Finally, it offers OS-level functions like auto-save, window restoration, application nap, and more. The app assesses math expressions automatically. It may undo and redo various modifications. Moreover, Bit Slicer allows freezing the current process. Controls why instructions access a variable.Explores live disassembly of instructions.Installs breakpoints offers report when they are damaged observes backtraces modifies the instructions, and manipulates thread registers.Looks for values depending on incremental modifications.Saves a process’ full virtual memory storage.Detects and reduces values of different categories (from strings to pointers).Dumps memory to files for manual investigation.On the whole, Bit Slicer serves as the tool created to empower a user to search the memory footprints of the currently running processes and does a small covert. The main functionality of this tool is finding and changing various player or game values (e.g., score, HP, ammunition, etc.) It is a universal solution for different games.
Bit Slicer helps to cheat on the nasty levels that simply drive you mad. Are you a gamer? If you ever need someone to assist you with the gaming process, this app might do.